Join the fight to support first responders on the front lines

I am A first responder

We understand that being a first responder can be a demanding and often thankless job, and we want to come alongside you to show our appreciation and support.

We are inviting all first responders in our community to fill out a form with your contact information and any needs or requests you may have, so we can support and serve you in meaningful ways. You can also sign up to join a first responders only disciple group. Please complete the form, by clicking the button below.

Are you in need of care and support as a first responder? Don't fight the battle alone.

come alongside first responders

As we walk through the 10:10 Life, we want to come alongside first responders to help them understand and find the abundant life that Jesus offers.

First responders often deal with some of the most stressful and traumatic day-to-day work environments imaginable. Statistics have shown that 14.6% of first responders suffer from PTSD and of those 20% have addiction issues. Divorce rates are as high as 60-75% and over 28% suffer from suicidal thoughts.

We will partner with them to help in their mental, emotional and spiritual health to not only make our communities better, but to advance the gospel through the restoration and reconciliation that Jesus offers.

In addition to coming alongside those that are fighting for our community, we will open our campuses 24 hours a day as stop stations to first responders. These will serve as a place of respite allowing them a safe environment to have a cup of coffee and do paperwork while on shift.

Attend Care Team Training
Care team training will equip you with the skills and resources to minister, visit and pray with those on the front lines. This training will empower you to care for those who dedicate themselves to serving our community.

If you desire to learn more about first responder Care team training, please email

Become A Chaplain
Our chaplains will be assigned as caregivers to first responders who identify that they are in need of care to walk alongside them to listen, love and pray for them as they walk through difficult seasons of life and the struggles that come with life as first responders.

We will be partnering with Chaplain Fellowship Ministries on training and certifying men and women to serve as chaplains and ministers.

If you desire to learn more about becoming a Chaplain please email